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작성자 | 유건데이타 | 등록일 | 2015-07-15 |
============================================= REM REM SCRIPT FOR CAPTURING OBJECT GRANTS REM REM This script must be run by a user with the DBA role. REM REM This script is intended to run with Oracle7. REM REM Running this script will in turn create a script of all the object REM grants to users and roles. This created script is called REM grant_obj_grants.sql. REM REM Since a DBA cannot grant objects other than his own, this script will REM contain various connect clauses before each set of grant statements. REM You must add the passwords for each user before executing the script. REM Object grants are very dependant on the user who issues the grant, REM therefore, it is important that the correct user issue the grant. REM REM In addition, DO NOT change the order of the grant statement. They are REM spooled in sequence order, so that dependant grants are executed in REM the correct order. For example, lets say that Scott grants Jack select on REM emp with grant option, and in turn Jack grants select on Scott.emp to REM Steve. It is essential that Scott's grant be issued before Jack's. REM Otherwise, Jack's grant will fail. REM REM NOTE: This script DOES NOT include grants made by 'SYS'. REM REM Only preliminary testing of this script was performed. Be sure to test REM it completely before relying on it. REM set verify off set feedback off set termout off set echo off set pagesize 500 set heading off set recsep off set termout on select 'Creating object grant script by user...' from dual; set termout off create table g_temp (seq NUMBER, grantor_owner varchar2(20), text VARCHAR2(800)); DECLARE cursor grant_cursor is SELECT ur$.name, uo$.name, o$.name, ue$.name, m$.name, t$.sequence#, decode(NVL(t$.option$,0), 1, ' WITH GRANT OPTION;',';') FROM sys.objauth$ t$, sys.obj$ o$, sys.user$ ur$, sys.table_privilege_map m$, sys.user$ ue$, sys.user$ uo$ WHERE o$.obj# = t$.obj# AND t$.privilege# = m$.privilege AND t$.col# IS NULL AND t$.grantor# = ur$.user# AND t$.grantee# = ue$.user# and o$.owner#=uo$.user# and t$.grantor# != 0 order by sequence#; lv_grantor sys.user$.name%TYPE; lv_owner sys.user$.name%TYPE; lv_table_name sys.obj$.name%TYPE; lv_grantee sys.user$.name%TYPE; lv_privilege; lv_sequence sys.objauth$.sequence#%TYPE; lv_option VARCHAR2(30); lv_string VARCHAR2(800); lv_first BOOLEAN; procedure write_out(p_seq INTEGER, p_owner VARCHAR2, p_string VARCHAR2) is begin insert into g_temp (seq, grantor_owner,text) values (lv_sequence, lv_grantor, lv_string); end; BEGIN OPEN grant_cursor; LOOP FETCH grant_cursor INTO lv_grantor,lv_owner,lv_table_name,lv_grantee, lv_privilege,lv_sequence,lv_option; EXIT WHEN grant_cursor%NOTFOUND; lv_string := 'GRANT ' || lv_privilege || ' ON ' || lower(lv_owner) || '.' || lower(lv_table_name) || ' TO ' || lower(lv_grantee) || lv_option; write_out(lv_sequence, lv_grantor,lv_string); END LOOP; CLOSE grant_cursor; END; / spool grant_obj_grants.sql break on guser skip 1 col text format a60 word_wrap select 'connect ' || grantor_owner || '/' guser, text from g_temp order by seq, grantor_owner / spool off drop table g_temp; exit REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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