
게시글 보기
작성자 유건데이타 등록일 2015-07-06
제목 TABLE에 걸려 있는 INDEX 찾아 보기
TIPS(29) : TABLE에 걸려 있는 INDEX 찾아 보기

/* show_index.sql USAGE: Show the indexes on a table */
/* */
/* This script prompts the user for the table owner and name then gets */
/* the indexed columns for any indexes on the table */

column index_name format A20
column column_name format A25
column column_position format 999 heading 'Pos'
column uniq format a5
set verify off
break on index_name skip 1

select C.index_name,substr(I.uniqueness,1,1) uniq, C.column_name,
from all_ind_columns C
,all_indexes I
where C.table_owner = upper('&table_owner')
and C.table_name = upper('&table_name')
and C.index_owner = I.owner
and C.index_name = I.index_name
order by 2 desc,1,4

from otn
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